# Resource strings for JWIRC Chat Applet # Non-latin symbols HAS TO BE converted into UTF format! (\uFFFF) # To create a new language pack, copy this file with name: lang_xx.properties # where xx is your language (like TLD names in the web: de, ru, it, fr etc.), # and put it in the same directory like this file. # example: for france. # JWIRC applet will automatiocally dedetc the language on the user's OS # and will choose the correct language file (if it exists). # For conversion into UTF format you can use my applet named "Translator" # on http://www.jwirc.com/util/translator.html # After updating this file don't forget to close all browser windows # to make changes become effective ! # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright by glaz - glaz@rasko.ru - Downloads, news and forum on http://www.jwirc.com # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Language interface, Word/label: WelcomeMessage=Connecting to chat channel please wait ... NAME_S=Server NICK=NICK PASSWORD=Pass USERINFO=User info CHANNELS=Channels IRC_GROUP=IRC network IRC_SERVERS=Servers group IRC_SERVER=Your server PORT=Port FONT=Font face CONNECT=Go! DISCONNECT=Disconnect DETACH=Detach ATTACH=Attach RECONNECT=Reconnect MS1=couldn't find irc server: MS2=, go back and try another one please. MS3=Trying to resolve: MS4=Connecting to: MS5=ERROR: MS6=You NICK is not valid, go back and try another! MS7=has kicked MS8=is now known as MS9=copy nick MS10=send file (DCC SEND) #11-21 reserved MS22=ban+kick! MS23=+b *!*@ MS24=+b *!*@192.168.0.* MS25=+b *!*@192.168.* MS26=+b nick!*@* MS27=+b *!ident@* MS28=Your server is: MS29=nick: MS30=added to ignore list MS31=removed from ignore list ACTION_PREFIX=*** WHISPER_PREFIX=whisper: # Possible variables: # %B - bold # %I - italic # %U - underline # %C - color (hex code, like 'FFFFFF' for white) # %R - reset color and font to default # %COLOR - color (irc code, like '1,0' for white background and black foreground) # %HOST - host mask of the chatter which causes the message # %CHANSERV - name of chanserv service # %NICKSERV - name of nickserv service # %NICK - selected user in the nick list # %ME - your own nick # %CHANNEL - channel name # - input dialog # Pop up menu for nick list MENU_0=|..|NEW| Info MENU_1=Who is COMMAND_1=/whois %NICK MENU_2=Nick info COMMAND_2=/%NICKSERV INFO %NICK MENU_3=IP address COMMAND_3=/USERHOST %NICK MENU_4=Client version COMMAND_4=/ctcp %NICK VERSION MENU_5=Client time COMMAND_5=/ctcp %NICK TIME MENU_6=|..|NEW|for me MENU_7=Away on COMMAND_7=/away : MENU_8=Away off COMMAND_8=/away MENU_9=Say hello COMMAND_9=Hello %B%NICK%B ! MENU_10=Say bye COMMAND_10=Bye bye %B%NICK%B ! MENU_11=Op me COMMAND_11=/%CHANSERV op %CHANNEL %ME MENU_12=Ping COMMAND_12=/ping %NICK MENU_13=Ignore add/delete COMMAND_13=/ignore %NICK MENU_14=|..|Kick COMMAND_14=/kick %NICK PRIV_MENU_0=Whois PRIV_COMMAND_0=/whois %NICK PRIV_MENU_1=Ping PRIV_COMMAND_1=/ping %NICK PRIV_MENU_2=Client version PRIV_COMMAND_2=/ctcp %NICK VERSION PRIV_MENU_3=Ignore add/delete PRIV_COMMAND_3=/ignore %NICK